Want to help Allied Women's Center save babies "in real time"? If so, we invite you to join our Phone Prayer Warrior ministry!
When we counsel abortion-minded women, often we call upon our loyal community of prayer warriors to pray for those clients and their babies. That's because sometimes during these heart-to-heart sessions, the pregnant women are undecided about the fate of their unborn babies. From decades of experience, we know it is during those "in the moment" difficult interactions that storming Heaven with our intercessory prayers can make the difference between life and death.
In such situations, that's when we send out a text message to our Prayer Warriors, asking them to say pray for a particular client by name (first names only are shared). Typically, a follow-up text is sent out to inform Prayer Warriors about the status of the client and her ultimate chosen decision.
How to Join
Although we have hundreds of Phone Prayer Warriors, we could always use more people in this powerful ministry.
To sign up, click here to print and complete the 1-page form asking for 1) your first/last names, and 2) your cell phone number. This page also gives you the option to provide an email we can use to send you periodic important communications about our annual gala, other events, vital announcements and a future e-newsletter.
Return form to us via 1 of 2 delivery methods:
Scan form and email it to: info@alliedwomenscenter.com `
Or mail it to: Allied Women's Center, 102 Marshall St., San Antonio, TX 78212
Once you're in our system, expect to receive anywhere from 0 to 2 short text messages a week asking for a prayer "in the moment."
To opt out, email that request to info@alliedwomenscenter.com.
Remember, since this is a texting activity with your phone, you can live anywhere in the world to be part of this unique pro-life ministry. So if you enjoy it and find value in participating, please consider asking others to join us as well. Thank you!